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Team Members

Peyton Dillon

Peyton Dillon

Bylaws Chair

Responsible for maintaining and updating the Chapter Constitution.

Julie Kamm

Julie Kamm


Responsible for assembling a Step Team, scheduling rehearsals, and teaching steps.

Miranda Frank

Miranda Frank

Song Chair

Responsible for the teaching of all Sisterhood songs, as well as the planning and execution of recitals that are put on by the Alpha Omega chapter.

Diamond Thompson

Diamond Thompson

Social Chair

Responsible for the organization of social functions for the chapter and university bands including, but not limited to, recruitment weeks, Chiefs' Banquet, and receptions within the Sisterhood.

Anna Stanley

Anna Stanley

Service Chair

Responsible for the establishment of all service projects, with an emphasis on the collegiate bands, the community, and the Sisterhood.

Caitlyn Lucy

Caitlyn Lucy

Apparel Chair

Responsible for aiding the Treasurer in apparel sales, maintaining and updating the Marching Chiefs apparel website, as well as packaging and shipping apparel orders.

Renee Roberts

Renee Roberts

Communications Chair

Responsible for writing all news and information designated to inform the public about the chapter, the sorority, or university bands.

Diamond Thompson

Diamond Thompson


Responsible for assembling a Step Team, scheduling rehearsals, and teaching steps.

Alura Gasper

Alura Gasper

Ways and Means Chair

Responsible for assisting the Treasurer with the budget, establishing and organizing all fundraising projects, and handling all scholarships given or received by the chapter.

Delaney Reilly

Delaney Reilly

Spring Formal Co-Chair

Responsible for the organization and execution of the spring chapter formal.

David Fernandez

David Fernandez

Focus on Five Liaison

Responsible for organizing all events and service projects for the fulfillment of the national Focus on Five campaign.

Raegan O'Rourke

Raegan O'Rourke

Chronicles Chair

Responsible for keeping record of old sisterhood business and photos, updating the family trees, and educating current sisters on the past of the sisterhood.

Katie Hassell

Katie Hassell

Apparel Social Media Chair

Responsible for managing Marching Chiefs Apparel social media accounts and marketing apparel items and sales.

Renee Roberts

Renee Roberts

Public Relations Chair

Responsible for managing all chapter social media and capturing photos of sisterhood events.

Aneisa Rivers

Aneisa Rivers


Responsible for assembling a Step Team, scheduling rehearsals, and teaching steps.

Reece Windjack

Reece Windjack

Women in Music Recital Chair

Responsible for organizing the Women in Music Recital, an event highlighting composers and performers who are women.

Morgan Cole

Morgan Cole

Spring Formal Co-Chair

Responsible for the organization and execution of the spring chapter formal.

Korynna Moncada

Korynna Moncada

Philanthropy Chair

Responsible for establishing and organizing all philanthropy-based service projects.

Jesse Rigsby

Jesse Rigsby

Continued Membership Education Program Chair

Responsible for continuing the education of Sisters concerning chapter matters with an emphasis on the Preamble, the Eight and Five, and the basic history of our sorority.

Miranda Frank

Miranda Frank

Ritual and Regalia Chair

Responsible for the following: procurement, care, and management or all equipment belonging to or used by the chapter; and setting up, rehearsing, and conducting all sorority rituals and chapter ceremonies.

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