Alpha Omega recently welcomed nine membership candidates into their candidacies! Our candidates are:
Gabriela De Jesús
Major: Biological Sciences
Big Sister: David Fernandez
Family: Square Rose, Big Booty Branch
What do you hope to gain through candidacy? I hope to grow within myself as a leader and in my professional and personal skills. I look forward to being introduced to many new faces and to strengthening my relationships with old ones. To further involve myself with music related service and give back to the organizations that have helped me feel at home and who have given me some of the best memories of my life. I also hope to strengthen my time management skills with this opportunity as well as find a community of like-minded people who share my love for band, service, and music. All and all I hope to have fun, serve the community, and make memories with some amazing people while giving back to the bands.
Allison Kirkpatrick
Major: Instrumental Music Education
Big Sister: Peyton Dillon
Family: Diamond Rose, Quality Time Branch
What do you hope to gain through candidacy? Personally, I’m looking forward to the interviews and learning to push past my awkwardness and talking to new people one on one.
Caitlyn Lucy
Major: Psychology
Big Sister: Julie Kamm
Family: Crest, Giraffe Branch
What do you hope to gain through candidacy? I hope to meet a lot of new people who share similar goals and interests as me and make new friends.
Karolyne Lugo
Major: Instrumental Music Education
Big Sister: Veronica Jacob
Family: Crest, Linguine Branch
What do you hope to gain through candidacy? I want to meet and get to know a lot of amazing sisters! I hope to come out of my shell a little bit while also becoming more service oriented and confident.
Korynna Moncada
Major: Psychology
Big Sister: Marshall Knapp
Family: Square Rose, Bread Branch
What do you hope to gain through candidacy? Long lasting friendships and memories, as well as fulfillment from doing meaningful service with really great people.
Elina Nyquist
Major: BA in Piano
Big Sister: Mallory Ivers
Family: Diamond Rose, #teamtoomuch Branch
What do you hope to gain through candidacy? I’d like to become more involved with the FSU music community and to gain inspiration and friendship with others involved in music. I also want to gain better self confidence in social settings as well.
Raelin Roque
Major: Psychology
Big Sister: Anesia Rivers
Family: Crest, Giraffe Branch
What do you hope to gain through candidacy? I hope I can grow as a person throughout my candidacy. I’m excited to learn from the sisters by getting to know them one on one, but I’m also nervous because I have to step out of my comfort zone. However, I feel the love and encouragement from my sisters and fellow candidates so I’m thankful that I’m in an environment where I can grow and make mistakes without feeling embarrassed.
Diamond Thompson
Major: Family and Child Sciences
Big Sister: Marin Kelly
Family: Crest, Flamin’ Hot Branch
What do you hope to gain through candidacy? I hope to gain confidence and become more outspoken with how I’m feeling. I also want to work on using my resources to guide me instead of trying to do everything on my own. Gaining more knowledge about the sisterhood and learning more about the values and what it stands for is also something I look forward to! Lastly, I want to gain more relationships with the sisters! I want to get to know them more and learn something from all of them.
Tyler Welch
Major: Woodwind Performance (Saxophone)
Big Sister: Katelyn Weaver
Family: Diamond Rose, #teamtoomuch Branch
What do you hope to gain through candidacy? I hope to discover how I best fit into a community and how I can help said community through my actions as a leader and through service.
We are so excited to watch our candidates grow throughout their candidacy semester! It is an honor to be selected to serve.