Segue is Alpha Omega's annual publication, detailing the past year in our sisterhood. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 edition of Segue is a little different than previous editions and does not feature an article written by every Sister of Alpha Omega like usual.
A Letter From the Editor
by Rylee Mehr
Spring 2020 Segue Chair
First off, I want to say a huge thank you to all of my Alpha Omega sisters for showing me nothing but love and support during the time I have spent in the sisterhood so far. As a first-semester sister this past spring, taking on the responsibility of Segue Chair was certainly intimidating, but I am so lucky to be surrounded by people who will encourage me to move out of my comfort zone and challenge me to grow into someone that they know I can be. My sophomore year of college has definitely been one to remember, and Tau Beta Sigma is a large contributor to that. Because of this, I am honored to have been able to create this publication and highlight our chapter’s accomplishments from the 2019-2020 school year.
As we all know, the 2020 spring semester was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and cut short. This had an impact on many upcoming events that our sisterhood had planned which ultimately impacted the structure of Segue as well. This year’s edition is much shorter and unfortunately does not feature writings from every sister of Alpha Omega as usual. I want to give a huge shout out to the spring 2020 Communications Committee, as well as a handful of other sisters, who were more than willing to take on the responsibility of writing and submitting content for this publication. This is far more their creation than it is mine, so please enjoy the work that they have so diligently produced.
Once again, I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to showcase an organization that I hold near and dear to my heart. My sisters are some of the greatest people I know, and I am so excited for you to read about how amazing they are. I’m thrilled to be able to spend a few more years with them and to see what we are able to accomplish in the future.
It is truly an honor to be selected to serve.
Marching Chiefs in France
by Cierra Coyner
Spring 2019
I don’t think that many people can say that they had the opportunity to travel with 400 of their best friends to France for a week to honor the memory of the soldiers and citizens who took part in the D-Day invasions on Normandy beach during World War II on its 75th anniversary. I feel very privileged to be able to say I did get to experience this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as a member of the Marching Chiefs, as well as a number of other sisters of Alpha Omega. I feel like I was extra special in this situation because I got to celebrate my birthday doing what I do best—playing the warchant and singing the Hymn to the Garnet and Gold in front of the Eiffel Tower with my best friends, all while knowing that the next day I would get to march in the commemorative parade that enabled us to be there and be a part of something so much larger than myself.
When it was announced to the Marching Chiefs that we would be taking a trip abroad to participate in such an incredible opportunity, there was an electric feeling you could feel surge through the band as everybody’s minds reeled with the possibilities of being in such a beautiful country getting to represent FSU and experience a place that was entirely new to quite a few of us. We participate in marching band because the music moves us and the connections we make often last a lifetime, but a part of it that often gets left out of the spoken reasoning is that the opportunities and chances it can offer also last a lifetime. This was definitely one of those chances.
I often think that words don’t do an experience justice if you weren’t there for it, and unfortunately, I think that holds true for this trip. With three different music performances around France, daily tours and sightseeing around the city of Paris at our own discretion, long bus rides through the french countryside, a service in the Normandy American Cemetery, and the parade that brought us to France in the first place, there was never a dull moment. Visiting the cemetery was probably the most awe-inspiring moment of the trip for me and I don’t think the feelings the visit brought on can be felt outside of moments as unique as that. I felt very small in a very large world that changes daily and felt the lives of so many who had been lost. This trip gave me things that I will take with me for the rest of my life and I am so thankful for it.
The crepes were sweet, the music was loud, the moments were lingered in, and the memories won’t be forgotten. MCATDT.
Growth Through Change: Alpha Omega's Transition to Overture
by Sierra Corby
Fall 2018
This past year, Tau Beta Sigma introduced a new national education program: Overture. This program was designed in order to ensure that sisters across the nation are being taught the same material and in the same way. This national curriculum has changed the way in which we operate as a chapter and our views on the national organization as a whole.
At first, I think this transition came as a shock to some sisters – after all, it’s easy to become comfortable in the way in which we operate. We had been teaching our candidates the same way, the Alpha Omega way, for a long time. Now, our MEP was suddenly being changed. Overture has a set of 9 Modules that are to be taught in a specific order, and specific information is expected to be taught in each module. The program was trialed by a few chapters across the country, and then became mandatory for all chapters to use beginning last fall. This program includes guides and activities to improve upon candidates’ learning and retention. These activities allow each chapter to choose what works best for them and find ways to make Overture their own.
In Fall 2019, we taught our first candidate class with Overture. Nicole Warren, our incredible VP/Candidate trainer at the time, worked hard to ensure that candidates were continuing to retain important sisterhood information with this new program. As CMEP Chair, I had the unique opportunity to teach sisters the same curriculum that we were using to teach our candidates. I wanted to ensure that our entire sisterhood was familiar with this new program, so I worked to create educational lessons and discussions based off of those provided in Overture that were guided more towards sisters who had already been through candidacy.
By teaching Overture to our sisterhood, we were able to have more reflective discussions on what we value as sisters. I think that Alpha Omega began to become stronger by giving each sister the chance to become more reflective on the reason behind everything we do as an organization. These productive discussions also allowed us to learn that TBS is so much bigger than just Alpha Omega. Overture is structured in a way that candidates first learn about TBS at a national level, then the district, and then your individual chapter. This is because Tau Beta Sigma is a national organization in which all sisters, no matter what district or chapter they are a part of, all hold the same values and ideals. It is these values and ideals that create our unique bond that we have with one another.
Overture taught us that we are a part of something so much bigger than ourselves. Alpha Omega is a strong chapter and I am so lucky to be a part of this empowering sisterhood. Tau Beta Sigma is a wonderful organization that is comprised of many unique chapters that all value the same qualities and factors in every sister. This change to a new curriculum has shown me how growth cannot exist without change, and that with my sisters, I am best.
by Rachel Gebeloff
Fall 2018
Throughout my time in the sisterhood, I have heard the term “Adopt-A-Band” passed around in service committee discussions many times. As a music service organization, we have always made an impact in the FSU and Tallahassee community; however, I knew that we had the potential to create something substantial and long lasting. Starting this project, the mission was simple: find a Title 1 school in Tallahassee that had minimal access to clinicians and provide them with musical mentorship. What I did not know is how much these students and this band program would inspire me and every sister and brother who participated.
Mr. Harper, the band director at Godby High School, was thrilled when approached with the idea for this program. Once he learned that the majority of our organizations were members of the Marching Chiefs, he proposed for us to come out on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-8 during the fall semester. Starting in September and lasting until November, sisters of Alpha Omega and brothers of Gamma Nu, our Kappa Kappa Psi chapter at FSU, cleaned drill, led music sectionals, and assisted the band in their preparation for marching MPA. Having a program like this pushed us to learn how to be adaptable. Adaptability sometimes meant having a clarinetist lead a tuba sectional! Working with Godby allowed us to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, engage with Gamma Nu for service, and create relationships with incredible students and push them to reach their fullest potential. We were honored with having this program recognized by nationals in the first of their chapter highlights in the fall. It was also extremely rewarding to learn Godby received superiors at their marching MPA that semester.
When marching season ended, it was time to look at how we wanted to continue to aid Godby during concert band season. With concert band MPA quickly approaching, Mr. Harper had no problem finding ways for us to help. He proposed that we could sit in on full band rehearsal, prep students and small ensembles for the upcoming Solo and Ensemble festival, and work on band music with the students in sectionals. Working with Godby in the spring truly put our adaptability to the test. It was easy to feel as though you needed to be a music major to be an effective volunteer at Godby, but the non-music majors that came and gave it a chance quickly learned that this was not the case! Stepping outside of our comfort zones allowed us to really help these students and program.
This service stretched us and gave us the unique opportunity to try something new. It will be up to the future service committee to decide whether or not they want to continue this project. However, my wish for our sisterhood is for us all to realize that when we come together, we are capable of achieving greatness and bringing change where it is needed. I know that the relationships we developed with the students at Godby and the progress we watched them make throughout the year will stay with us for a long time.
Marching Chiefs Stain-glass Window
by Cory Schuman
Spring 2017
The “world-renowned” Florida State University Marching Chiefs have had many honors throughout the organization’s 66 years of existence, but none quite like being immortalized in FSU’s historic Heritage Museum. This past September marked the installation of the Chiefs’ very own stained-glass window in Dodd Hall.
The necessary funds were donated by Florence Ashby, a past Chief from 1953 to 1958. Ashby was also a charter member of the Alpha Omega chapter of Tau Beta Sigma in 1955. She worked with FSU’s Master Craftsman Studio to start the process of designing the window over a year ago, and her memories and likeness serve as the focal point of the work.
The window depicts three band members showcasing Chiefs uniforms throughout the years, with the center figure modeled after Ashby. She is wearing white majorette boots and a long wool skirt, just as members of the all-female band originally did in the 1950s.
A ceremony took place on September 20, 2019 to commemorate the window’s installation. Speakers included the deans of University Libraries and the College of Music, Gale Etschmaier and Patricia Flowers, who collaborated with the Master Craftsman Studio throughout the window’s creation. A small group of Marching Chiefs were present to perform at the ceremony, including Alpha Omega sisters Sara Feingold, Lana Schultz, and Julia Visser.
Stepping Up
by Rylee Mehr
Fall 2019
Before I came out to recruitment for TBS, I knew absolutely nothing about step. I had seen clips of the activity online by various HBCUs or other schools, but I never thought that stepping would be something that I would be able to do or even be interested in. When I attended the Fall 2019 formal recruitment event and saw the step team perform for the first time, I was immediately engrossed in the idea of this activity. The intensity, the energy, the uniformity and teamwork that went into the performance was unlike anything I had seen before. You could tell that everyone involved was having so much fun, including me as the viewer. I knew I wanted to step after watching this performance alone, but once I was able to talk to some of the sisters that participated and they told me how much they genuinely enjoyed performing and stepping with their fellow sisters, I was sold.
Step lived in the back of my mind throughout my candidacy that semester, and every time a sister asked me if I was interested in stepping, my excitement for it was reignited. I looked forward to the day I may be able to step with my sisters.
This past semester, after becoming a sister at the end of Fall 2019, I was finally able to take advantage of this opportunity. With the help of our phenomenal Spring 2020 stepmasters, Angel Purganan and Mason Smith, as well as all of the other encouraging sisters on the step team, I was able to learn the necessary routines within a week and perform them at our Spring 2020 formal recruitment event.
Stepping turned out to be much harder than it looks, and it took me a while to finally get the routines down. I practiced in my bedroom every night leading up to our recruitment event until I finally got it up to my satisfaction. After Formal, I was able to continue stepping and learning new parts of our routines to perform at our Women in Music recital. It was difficult to retain all of the information and movements and coordination that goes into stepping, but with the help and support of my sisters on the step team, I felt like I could handle anything that was thrown at me.
I am so grateful that I was able to participate in stepping this semester. I got to experience a new part of our sisterhood that I didn’t know much about and had so much fun doing it. I can’t wait to continue stepping in future semesters and to encourage any new and existing sisters to try it out and do the same.
We Pledge to Work in Unity for Better College Bands
by Sierra Corby
Fall 2018
At Florida State, the sisters of Alpha Omega and the brothers of Gamma Nu constantly strive to better our unity and unique bond that we have with one another. We began together on May 14th, 1955 and are lucky to be able to continue working together today. Our brothers and sisters each have cross bigs and littles, allowing us to strengthen our bond with the other organization and always have someone to support and guide you from the other side. Our recruitment weeks are joint which allows our interested band members to see the common purposes and goals within our organizations and how we work together to serve Florida State’s collegiate bands.
Within the FSU Marching Chiefs, both organizations work hard to make sure that preseason training, practices, games and away trips run smoothly and that the facilities are well taken care of. We also have a joint Unity Concert in the fall where brothers and sisters are able to perform and celebrate our love of music together.
In order to foster this bond during candidacy, our candidates, along with the candidates of Gamma Nu, put on a picnic for both organizations. This allows our candidates to learn the importance of working with the other organization and begin to create bonds with their candidates brothers and sisters.
Our cross bigs and littles allow our organizations to have a unique bond with someone from the other organization. During our candidacy, we write to our cross bigs as a way to get to know them before they are revealed later on in the semester. I am so lucky to have been able to have learned more about Kappa Kappa Psi and my big brother, Isabel, through this unique experience before I even knew who she was! I’m also so lucky to have been on the other side, supporting my amazing little brother, Julia, during her candidacy and now as a brother!
Our Unity Week is designed to allow our organizations to celebrate our bond and the people that we are lucky to know. Taking place for one week each semester, we have TBS and KKY family nights, a joint service event and typically our candidates' Alumni Picnic throughout the week. We are so grateful to be able to celebrate our bond and serve with our brothers of Gamma Nu! MLITB
It's an Honor to be Selected to Serve: An Overview of Our Service with the Marching Chiefs
by Connor Werner
Fall 2018
When game day rolls around for Marching Chiefs, every moment is filled with excitement and energy. Even with the early continuity rehearsals, the constant state of being on the move, and the blistering heat of the day, home games in the Doak Campbell Stadium are always filled with fun and laughter—being in the stands with some of the greatest friends in the world takes away all the worry of life. What people might not understand, however, is that game days wouldn’t run so smoothly if not for the hard work done behind the scenes by Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi. From the start of a game day to its end, the leaders cultivated in these organizations are working incredibly hard to make sure the ship stays afloat by the service they accomplish.
For these students, the day is filled with many different tasks, each of which serves to benefit the entirety of the Marching Chiefs once they arrive in the stadium. Once the early-morning continuity rehearsal ends, a group of sisters from Alpha Omega walk with haste to the stadium so that they can fill coolers with cold water for the band, taking some time to wheel bags of ice from nearby iceboxes and fill them up. As these coolers are being filled, some sisters also take the section water bottle crates and place them out by the stairs for later use. Once this is all achieved, all students will head to Skull Session and, in addition to performing section music arrangements, brothers and sisters will help to sell and distribute Chiefs Apparel.
After marching over to Doak Campbell, sisters and brothers help pass out plumes to each performer, affirming their joy in serving with wide grins. After performing pregame, these same brothers and sisters run off the field to help collect plumes and maintain order. Brothers of Gamma Nu go immediately to work helping to distribute survival packs, filled with a variety of food and drink to help Marching Chiefs get through the heat of the game. Sisters work quickly to refill the water coolers for post-halftime, and when the halftime show rolls around, the bottles are refilled quickly and efficiently.
After many hours spent in the sun playing Florida State’s tunes, brothers and sisters alike hurry down the stairs to the room underneath the stands and merrily collect each and every chair, working in a factory line fashion to efficiently “close up shop” for the day. While this may take a good bit of time and be tiring, these bandsmen pass the time by singing songs of their fraternity and sorority with a vigor unmatched. Through all the long days, these students are able to find brotherhood and sisterhood through the service they achieve, doing everything with a smile on their faces; and with this service, they hold close a statement that forever rings true: “It is an honor to be selected to serve.”
Fall 2019 Women in Music Speaker
by Rylee Mehr
Fall 2019
There is no doubt that Tau Beta Sigma, from chapter and all the way to national level, does some phenomenal things for women in music. Something that I deeply admire about our organization is the Women in Music Speaker Series, a unique program that helps to set us apart from other service organizations. This program is the blue stripe on our Focus on Five campaign which means that each chapter is expected to host one Women in Music Speaker Series event each year. This year, Alpha Omega invited Lori Elliott, the Development Director for Opening Nights Performing Arts at Florida State University, to be our Women in Music speaker.
Arts administration is an aspect of the music business that we don’t often hear about. I know almost nothing about operations behind the scenes, so it was very interesting to hear Lori speak about her work and experiences. I found that even though I’m not a music major and don’t intend on going into music nor arts administration, I was still able to take the subjects that she spoke about and apply it to my life and future career. She touched on communication skills, marketing, leadership within a team and business, making connections with other businesses, and community outreach, all important skills that I will need now and later on.
The event this year took place in the fall semester which was during my candidacy. It was so cool to be able to learn about Focus on Five and this series as a candidate and then be able to attend the event and experience it for myself. This is absolutely one of my favorite events that we hold because it really puts an emphasis on “empowering women in the band profession.” It is such a unique program that sets Tau Beta Sigma apart from the rest, and I feel so grateful to be a part of an organization that continues to value and empower women.
Arts Administration and Our National Organization
by Cory Schuman
Spring 2017
When I started my membership candidacy for Tau Beta Sigma, I was a music education major. I planned on pursuing a career as a high school band director, eventually going back for a master’s degree and then maybe a doctorate. The College of Music at Florida State University was providing me with many world-class faculty members to help me reach these goals. However, I realized in my first semester of being a sister that I didn’t find fulfillment in teaching like my classmates did.
I didn’t know what to do at that point. I knew I wanted to pursue music as a career in some way, but obviously being an educator wasn’t right for me. I didn’t see myself pursuing a degree in music performance or therapy either. It wasn’t until I fully immersed myself in all that Tau Beta Sigma has to offer that I realized that I wanted to pursue arts administration as a career.
What spurred this interest in me was mainly how Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi operate at the national level. How these organizations manifest at the chapter level are sororities and fraternities, but the national organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We have a primarily educational purpose, which is common to arts nonprofits. The organizational structure is typically divided by responsibilities such as governance of the organization, general administrative tasks, and carrying out programs. We see this in Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi with the national councils, the headquarters staff, and individual chapters, respectively.
After realizing that this was the path I wanted to go down, I tried to gain as much experience in and knowledge about Tau Beta Sigma as I could. Arts administration is essentially arts nonprofit management, so any and all of my experiences in the sorority would be valuable to me in the future. Other sisters in Alpha Omega have taken an interest to arts administration as well, which is very exciting for me to see. On an interview with a membership candidate, I explained Tau Beta Sigma from the nonprofit standpoint, and she told me that I had changed her perspective on the organization entirely.
Something I am especially proud of Alpha Omega for doing—and I hope other chapters follow suit—is having an arts administrator be our “Women in Music” speaker for this past year. We invited Lori Elliott, Development Director for Opening Nights Performing Arts at Florida State University, to discuss corporate sponsorship and community engagement for nonprofit arts organizations. She previously served as Opening Nights’s Marketing Director and used that experience to speak to us about communication skills and marketing ourselves to future employers. This truly was a dream come true for me. My sisters finally saw what it was I wanted to do and understood the connections between organizations like Opening Nights and Tau Beta Sigma. I hope other chapters look to their communities to find similar speakers for their “Women in Music” speaker series events, because the information felt very applicable to our organization and inspired us to do better for our community.
This change in mindset has some serious benefits for chapters. Thinking less in the sorority and fraternity mindset and more in the nonprofit mindset will allow us to take bigger leaps with our national programs. Crescendo, Coda, and the “Women in Music” Speaker Series are very similar to educational outreach programs many major arts nonprofits already put on, and we as chapter members could learn from their example. I know this to be true because Alpha Omega has done just that.
Philanthropic Service
by Rachel Gebeloff
Fall 2018
Philanthropic service is something relatively new to Alpha Omega. While it is only 2 hours of the required 10, it is an extremely engaging and important form of service. From playing at nursing homes, participating in the Little Event, volunteering at schools, writing letters of empowerment to a woman’s shelter, donating to drives, etc. our sisterhood has the opportunity to assess the needs of our community and find creative ways to give back. Paired with the service we do for Marching Chiefs and the College of Music, philanthropy helps our service encompass the needs of as many different institutions in the community as possible.
The philanthropic service we do gives our sisterhood an outlet to come together and see how we can better Tallahassee, not just FSU. This service pushes us to think outside of the box while providing extremely meaningful experiences. One of the best things about philanthropic service is that we truly can do anything for our community, so I look forward to seeing what Alpha Omega does next!
by Cierra Coyner
Spring 2019
Any chance for me to get to learn more about Tau Beta Sigma alongside my sisters is one that I jump at. As a candidate I was eager to attend my first SED convention, and then one short year later I was just as jazzed to attend DLC/MER and get to meet sisters from around the Southeast District and spend quality bonding time with my very own sisters of Alpha Omega. Held at Mississippi State University, this District Leadership Convention was one that held sessions that were very informational and helpful for sisters. I attended sessions on unity between Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma chapters at schools, how to run for district office, and executing chapter tasks that seem to keep not being fulfilled like planned.
As a chapter at a school with a very active KKPsi chapter, we are very lucky to have a functioning and close relationship with our brothers, but any relationship should be continuously examined and worked on to make sure that both parties are benefitting and pulling their weight. The workshop on unity held at DLC implemented real examples of ways chapters can work together and was full of information and things you don’t always think about, and we were super excited to bring back our new knowledge to FSU.
Running for district office is a very rewarding but daunting process that we have been encouraged to do at our own leisure within Alpha Omega. However, sometimes the knowledge surrounding how exactly to do this can be confusing, so getting the opportunity to attend this session was really great to see insight into the process from current officers who have been through the election process in the past. It was definitely encouraging and eye-opening.
As a chapter who prides ourselves on our professionalism and our ever-moving forward attitudes, we also like to hold ourselves accountable for things we feel we can improve upon, so having sisters attend the workshop on planning and executing tasks was empowering because we were able to return to our chapter with insight from other chapters on what worked for them and were able to look inward and see how we can function more efficiently.
I feel very lucky and privileged to have had the opportunity to attend DLC/MER this year and learn about some inner workings of Tau Beta Sigma, as well as some of the educational changes that have been implemented in the past year as the result of Overture being passed. I am thankful to be part of an organization that values strong leadership and can empower sisters to attend district conventions and conferences to continuously better their chapters.
Southeast District Virtual Convention
by Nicole Warren
Spring 2017
For sisters across the nation, it seems like our whole lives were flipped upside down overnight because of COVID-19. One day, we were going about our day attending classes, going to work, and hanging with friends. The next day, we began our ongoing quarantine and practicing the art of social distancing. Many chapters started the scramble to make action plans for unresolved chapter business and figure out how to continue their candidate process all online. The scramble also happened with the Southeast District Council as convention was still to happen in exactly 3 weeks. As President of the Southeast District, my job quickly became redesigning a 3 day in-person convention to a 12 hour online convention.
From the second I was elected at the 2019 SEDC, my 2020 convention planning began. Working alongside the SED KKPsi President, we created workshops, invited presenters, designed music blocks, and overall organized an event for all brothers and sisters across the SED to enjoy. In January, we did our convention site tour at the beautiful Callaway Gardens Resort in Pine Mountain, Georgia with no thoughts about what would be happening only 2 months later. We both received calls in the middle of March informing us of the safety risk an in-person convention would be and was told to start prepping for a potential online experience. Several conversations later, a decision was made to hold SEDC online with mostly business duties while workshops and panels were to be held later by the National Council.
After much renovation, the first Southeast District Virtual Convention was held April 4th beginning at 9am over Zoom. SEDC saw a huge increase in chapter participation being online which resulted in effective business sessions. All business sessions were open to delegates of every chapter and were live-streamed on the district Facebook page for others to follow. Committees met in various breakout rooms within Zoom and gave their reports using the screensharing capabilities. We even held elections by posting all materials to the district website and voted using a new online voting system. The SED was able to complete all the typical business that is done at a normal convention!
Even online, the SED was still able to do our district traditions and celebrate chapters and sisters. The district Historian, Sierra Corby (an Alpha Omega sister), was able to still hold our beloved Spike Mascot Competition and Scrapbook Competition. Sisters across the district decorated online versions of Spike Pineapples and created digital scrapbooks as if we were at our normal convention. The SED was also still able to present our 6 district awards to hardworking and deserving chapters across the district (shoutout to Alpha Omega for winning the Community Development Award)! Lastly, the 2019-2020 Southeast District Council got to give their emotional officer reports and give a beautiful send off to our age-out District Counselor, Lee Commander, an Alpha Omega Life Member! In the following month, the National Council held a nationwide online convention to put together all the workshop ideas from the 6 districts, give out awards, and install the new district councils.
Overall, no one could have guessed this is how SEDC 2020 would be. However, being a part of the first, and hopefully only, virtual convention was definitely a great and unforgettable experience.
MOTS of love Alpha Omega and SED!
Spring 2020 Candidate Spotlight
Featuring a handful of Alpha Omega's Spring 2020 Candidate Class!
The sisters of Alpha Omega are very invested in the candidacy process and are very proud of the hard work and dedication our membership candidates put into their process to become sisters. We value transparency and communication and make sure to act as their biggest supporters. This being said, we wanted to let some of our most recent candidates share their thoughts on the candidacy process and hear from them what being a sister of AO is all about!
Aliya Himawan is a first year Behavioral Neuroscience and Anthropology major whose big sister is Melissa Tillery. Her favorite 8&5 is “Knowledge and development of your physical powers in the quest for good health and bodily perfection.” On TBS, she says, “I am looking forward to the growth in knowledge, creativity, and leadership I will receive from being influenced by my sisters everyday.”
Katie Sherlock is a first year Accounting major whose big sister is Cierra Coyner. Her favorite 8&5 is “Fortitude and courage to see an ideal, to seize upon it, and to follow it wherever it may lead you in Tau Beta Sigma.” On candidacy, she says, “My favorite part of candidacy was getting closer to the sisterhood and my candidate class and growing my knowledge of how Alpha Omega helps the College of Music and community. I was able to see how much work this organization puts into what it does and I’m so excited to do more service and grow closer to my sisters.”
Jayne Margason is a first year Music Therapy major whose big sister is Elena Malcolm. Her favorite 8&5 is “Generosity of mind, heart, and hand.” On candidacy and sisterhood, she says, “my favorite memory from candidacy was learning sisterhood songs with my candidate sisters. I’m really looking forward to continuing to grow closer to my sisters and getting more involved in service projects.
Morgan Raskin is a first year Communication Sciences and Disorders major whose big sister is Rachel Gebeloff. Her favorite 8&5 is “Generosity of mind, heart, and hand.” On sisterhood, she says, “I loved going on interviews and forming new relationships with sisters, and I am really looking forward to creating new service projects and continuing to build on the ones we have already.”
Raegan O’Rourke is a first year Instrumental Music Education major whose big sister is Connor Werner. Her favorite 8&5 is “Demonstrated loyalty and dependability to those persons and institutions deserving of it.” On sisterhood and candidacy, she says, “I loved getting to know sisters through interviews and spending time with my candidate sisters and I’m really excited about building better relationships and being able to give back to an organization that has given so much to me.”
Yolanda St. Fleur is a first year Political Science and Music major whose big sister is Angel Purganan. Her favorite 8&5 is “Tolerance, tempered with kindness, and a consideration for the needs of others.” On sisterhood, she says, “I enjoy talking to sisters one on one and getting to know them on a more personal level, so I am so excited to learn from the women and men in our circle! I know they will contribute to expanding many of my necessary life skills so I’m really looking forward to that.”
Riane Neal is a first year Instrumental Music Education major whose big sister is Mason Smith. Her favorite 8&5 is “Fortitude and courage to see an ideal, to seize upon it, and to follow it wherever it may lead you in Tau Beta Sigma.” On candidacy and sisterhood, she says, “Interviews helped me so much in my communications skills and I loved getting to know sisters better. I’m looking forward to getting to give back to the College of Music through service.”